Monday, March 26, 2012

Migrating AS/400 DB2 to SQL Server

The client I'm working at right now is currently moving from their current
ERP contained on AS/400 to a MS SQL Server based ERP known as SYSPRO. In
doing so they are migrating 2 physical AS/400's with 4 business units (2 on
each 400) over to SYSPRO. They have moved one out of the four and a
preparing to move the the second. When migrating over to SYSPRO they only
moved the needed information to go live on the new system hence leaving years
of sales, orders, customer and product information.
So my question is there anything just blazingly important that I should know
when using DTS to pull all of this data over to SQL Server?
I know that the structure of the 400 DB2 isn't exactly the same as SQL
Server. From what I understand multiple Libraries make up a database in the
400. Each of those contain files and logicals. Files look to be the same as
a tables and logicals look to be the same as views.
You're pretty much on the ball with the file vs table and logical vs view
deal, for what you're trying to do, they're affectively equivalent. I ran
into some trouble with this in a past life, though. There was a lot of
trailing white space in the character fields I pulled out of the 400. It was
a different ERP, and it may have been human error causing it (I'm no DB2
guru), but I wound up having to RTRIM a lot of stuff on it's way over. Only
issue I ran into, though.
"Chris Stevenson" wrote:

> The client I'm working at right now is currently moving from their current
> ERP contained on AS/400 to a MS SQL Server based ERP known as SYSPRO. In
> doing so they are migrating 2 physical AS/400's with 4 business units (2 on
> each 400) over to SYSPRO. They have moved one out of the four and a
> preparing to move the the second. When migrating over to SYSPRO they only
> moved the needed information to go live on the new system hence leaving years
> of sales, orders, customer and product information.
> So my question is there anything just blazingly important that I should know
> when using DTS to pull all of this data over to SQL Server?
> I know that the structure of the 400 DB2 isn't exactly the same as SQL
> Server. From what I understand multiple Libraries make up a database in the
> 400. Each of those contain files and logicals. Files look to be the same as
> a tables and logicals look to be the same as views.
> Thx

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